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Ravenshire at SXSW: Video Games (Part 2)
Hopefully, you enjoyed our first two articles of our SXSW 2015 picks. Here is our second round of video game selections. By no means is this anywhere near a comprehensive list of all the games shown, nor are the titles mentioned being ranked in any order. They are simply some favorite games that stood out to us this year, which we had the opportunity to play and were able to talk to members of the development team. After reading the previews/opinions, and kindly sharing this article with your friends, show some support to the creators of these independent and small...
Ravenshire at SXSW: Video Games (Part 1)
In recent years one of the growing parts of SXSW Interactive has been the SXSW Gaming Expo. At this Expo there is a unique mix of games, from AAA titles to first time offerings from indie developers, from digital to tabletop, some currently available while others are still works in progress, and from traditional games to unique experiences. Here is a list of some of our favorite indie video games we saw at the Expo this year. We hope that you will check out and support all of these games for yourself, just as we plan to offer full reviews...
Ravenshire at SXSW: Tabletop games
SXSW, or South by South West for those unfamiliar, may be known by many in Texas as being an event about live music, has become a hotbed for creators and fans of all things interactive, innovative, creative, and entertaining. When this festival takes place in Austin, it takes over the city, as thousands come to experience the talks, see the newest offerings from creators of all types, network with like-minded individuals, enjoy the parties, and everything in between. The festival has been split in recent years into three major categories, music, film, and interactive. SXSW Interactive, in the past decade...
Top Five Anime of 2014
We hope that you enjoy our list of our favorite anime from this year. While there are many great anime that have started and ended this year, this is just a top five list that has no ranking. This is mostly a list of anime that has gone under the radar of many. If you haven't had a chance to watch some of these I hope that you will give them a try, along with some of the other great shows from this past year. This year Ravenshire Hobby will work hard to bring you the best products and reviews...